Dad Gets Tattoo To Match His Son's Birthmark

8-year-old Derek Prue Jr. has a birthmark that he doesn't like, that's when his dad stepped in to make things a little easier on him.

Derek Prue Sr. knew his son was self-conscious about his birthmark on his torso. So he spent 30 hours total to get a tattoo that was a replica of his son's birthmark. It was a long, painful ordeal, but the dad was happy to do it for his son. He told CBC, "I knew he was self-conscious about it, I saw how he was reacting, and it made me want to do it so that he wouldn't be the only one."

Tattoo artist Tony Gibbert at Juicy Quill did the tattoo and said the tattoo was in a painful spot of the body, "He's been through the wringer sitting for that." All in all, the tattoo took six to eight weeks to complete so it would look just like his son's.

Photo: Getty Images

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