Scuba Steve Calls Out Lunchbox After Driving Claim

There was a debate on Bobby Bones Show about who drives the most in relationships: the man or the woman.

Bobby and Eddie admitted that they don't mind when their wives drive, so it's a pretty even split between the them and their wives on who does the most driving. Amy admitted she's not a fan of driving so she likes whenever the guy will drive most places. Lunchbox said that it isn't good if the man isn't the one driving his family around all the time, and he's the one who does all of the driving in his marriage.

Scuba Steve had an impromptu spill the tea on Lunchbox after he said that because Scuba had just seen Lunchbox drive up to an event with his whole family, and his wife was the one driving. Not only that, his wife dropped Lunchbox and his kids off at the front door like Lunchbox claims the "man should do." The two got in a heated exchange and Lunchbox started pulling out receipts saying that Scuba Steve wasn't even at the place when he arrived so there's no way he saw what happened.

Eddie added that he's been with Lunchbox and his family before when his wife was driving. They all actually were on road trips headed out to the Carolinas and Eddie saw Lunchbox in the passenger seat and his wife was driving everyone.

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